Video Demonstrates Sustainable Business Practices

Published on: January 13, 1999

“Industrial Systems of Tomorrow: Finding Sustainability Through Natural Cycles” is a documentary film for grade 10 – Adult which demonstrates the efforts of several pioneers who are finding ways to improve the bottom line through pollution prevention and other forms of sustainability practices (soft & hard) found throughout business.

The video introduces the theory and reality of a sustainable business in four innovative companies:

* Digital Equipment Corporation: their reclamation and refurbishment processes alone have saved them many thousands of dollars.

* Robins Company, a medium sized metallurgical corporation: industrial analysis allowed them to cut their water needs by 95%. They reclaim, reuse, and recycle what was formerly considered industrial waste into new profits.

* Tom’s of Maine challenges their personnel to think and act green, creating improved sales.

* Stonyfield Farm demonstrates that what is good for the environment has to be good for the bottom line.

The Video Project: Media for a Safe & Sustainable World: 800-475-2638
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