Support Tougher U.S. Vehicle Pollution Standards

Published on: January 2, 1999

The U.S. EPA is working on tough new pollution standards for cars, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), minivans and pickups. These standards will impact our air quality well into the next century. One in four cars sold in the U.S. are gas-guzzling SUVs, many getting only 13 mpg. The great increase in miles driven in the U.S. has all but wiped out the gains made through cafe standards.

EPA Administrator Carol Browner needs to hear from you. She’s being inundated with letters against stronger standards generated by the oil industry.

EPA plans to slash sulfur levels in gasoline nationwide. Sulfur in gas damages pollution control equipment so that they pollute even more. In California, gasoline has only 30 parts per million of sulfur. In the rest of the US, gasoline has about 340 parts per million! Cleaner gasoline will reduce as much pollution as taking 54 million vehicles off the road…it will also allow cleaner and more efficient vehicles to hit the road.

The oil industry would like to sell dirty gasoline west of the Mississippi. Anyone
from California or the east who drives through a state with dirty gasoline goes home with a poisoned pollution-control system.

Carol Browner:

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