Stage Set for Recovered Paper Industry Expansion

Published on: January 7, 1999

Consolidations in the paper manufacturing and hauling industries and relatively stable paper prices have set the stage for expansion of the recovered paper industry, according to North American Recovered Paper: 1998-2002, by Jaako Poyry, a consulting firm.

The report projects steady growth in supply and demand, with recovery growing 3.7
percent annually through 2002. Mill demand will also grow, but at a slower pace of 2.8 percent. Asian exports are predicted to grow by 16 percent on average, but from a much reduced base. Export demand will spur a recovery rate of 48 percent, two points lower than the American Forest & Paper Institute’s goal of 50 percent by 2000.

Another report examines Eastern Europe’s market. A significant drop in consumption and production accompanied the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy behind the former Iron Curtain. The region is beginning to recover: paper consumption is expected to grow by 4.6 percent annually through 2010. Most of the growth is expected to occur in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. The fastest growing grades will be woodfree, packaging and tissue.

Many European and American paper companies are establishing market share in this

Waste Age’s Recycling Times

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