Honda VV Hybrid-Electric Vehicle for '99

Published on: January 5, 1999

Not to be undone by Toyota, whose Prius is set to enter the American market in 2000, American Honda announced its year 2000 model “VV” hybrid-electric car will be available to Americans in autumn of 1999. The 2-seater car, predicted to get more than 70 mpg, will be unveiled at the upcoming North American International Auto Show in Detroit.

The Honda hybrid has an extremely efficient 1.0-liter, 3-cylinder, lean-burn VTEC engine that is “assisted” by an electric motor during acceleration. It performs similarly to a 1.5-liter, 4-cylinder engine. The VV meets California’s Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) standard, currently the most stringent standard in the world. The car weighs less than 2000 pounds thanks to extensive use of lightweight materials such as aluminum and plastic body panels.

Source: EV World

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