Greening Hospitals

Published on: January 2, 1999

50 U.S. top hospitals were surveyed to determine how they manage their waste. Some of the findings from the report, “Greening Hospitals”:

* only 20 percent of respondents have programs to reduce PVC. Even those with programs still use PVC IV bags.

* almost 80 percent have mercury reduction programs, but 37 percent of these still buy thermometers with mercury, and half use mercury blood pressure devices.

* 90 percent have had training in how to segregrate infectious waste from “regular” waste, and 80 percent conducted waste audits in the past three years. 40 percent continue to incinerate waste that doesn’t need to be burned.

The report offers several recommendations:
* hospitals need to find alternatives to incineration combined with more effective segregation programs. This will reduce pollution and costs.

* reduce the toxic chemicals produced. Mercury-containing devices and PVC plastics are the easiest to reduce.

The Environmental Working Group:


Waste Reduction Tips

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