GM Joins WRI But Still Waffles on Climate Change

Published on: November 6, 1998

General Motors is collaborating in the World Resources Institute’s “Safe Climate, Sound Business” initiative – a partnership with British Petroleum and Monsanto based on the premise that “Leadership and commitment to action are necessary now to address the climate challenge.” The partners commit to measure emissions from their operations, develop new technologies to control them, educate employees, customers, and suppliers about climate-change issues, include “global climate considerations” in new investment decisions and encourage the government to eliminate fossil-fuel subsidies.

When a Detroit News headline proclaimed “Global warming is real, GM says,” the automaker responded by toning down the wording of its message and calling the article “inaccurate.” GM’s response states, “there is enough cause for concern to take moderate cost actions to reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions and the risk from potential change.”

Source: Calstart News

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