CEOs Targeted for Buy Recycled Message

Published on: November 3, 1998

The Buy Recycled Business Alliance (BRBA) is directing its message to the top CEOs of Fortune 1000 companies. BRBA, part of the National Recycling Coalition, is creating a six-page “cover wrap” to promote its initiatives. Starting with the November/December issue, it will be bound around the outside of each issue of the Harvard Business Review that is sent to the CEOs for the next year.

“We’re hitting just the CEOs with the mailing, hoping s/he will adopt the message and drive it through the entire company,” says Will Ferretti, NRC executive director. The first four pages are about saving natural resources and an introduction to what “buy recycled” means. The last two pages include ads from BRBA member companies. Future editions may focus on new technologies and business-related topics.

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