Xtreme Power To Provide Energy Storage To Tres Amigas Super Hub

Published on: August 18, 2010

Xtreme Power, a provider utility-scale power management and energy storage systems, announced it has been chosen as the storage provider for the Tres Amigas SuperStation.

Tres Amigas LLC, a merchant transmission company, is providing the first common interconnection of America’s three power grids. The SuperStation will be an energy market hub and balancing authority,
helping to ensure the efficient and reliable flow of power from multiple
renewable and conventional generation sources in all three power
regions to customers across the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Xtreme Power’s Dynamic Power Resource product will be used to ensure the reliable flow of power, controlling and smoothing the variations for energy delivery amongst the Eastern, Western (WECC) and Texas (ERCOT) Interconnections.

Xtreme Power did not say how much energy storage it will provide to Tres Amigas. 

Xtreme Power’s Dynamic Power Resource (DPR) will enable the delivery of consistent renewable energy to the station by storing and releasing power in response to fluctuations in demand and output. The DPR will also permit Tres Amigas to provide back-up power for the surrounding grid.

In March 2010, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized Tres Amigas to sell transmission services at negotiated rates. The addition of Xtreme Power’s energy storage system will add value to the ancillary service needs of the AC systems in each interconnection and enable Tres Amigas to file an ancillary service tariff with FERC.

“The role of the SuperStation is multi-faceted, but one of the most
critical aspects will be ensuring that the input from renewable energy
sources is incorporated smoothly into the span of the three grids, while
providing reliable, flexible storage,” commented Tres Amigas President
and CEO Phil Harris. “Xtreme Power’s customizable and scalable storage
systems have been proven in some of the world’s most extreme locations
and are ideal for meeting the complex needs of this groundbreaking

Xtreme Power’s systems have been implemented on a broad range of applications and diverse environments, with units at the South Pole and on the biggest operating wind farm in Hawaii. The company also recently announced a 15 MVA/10MWh system on First Wind’s Kahuku Wind Project on Oahu.

Xtreme Power, which is based in Kyle, Texas, raised $29.5 million in venture financing last month.

Website: http://www.xtremepower.com     
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