Which Cleantech Companies Have the Best Prospects?

Published on: December 24, 2012

Which are the most compelling cleantech companies for 2012?

The following companies have the best prospects according to market research firm Lux Research.

Solazyme (Nasdaq: SZYM): Clean Fuels; Biobased Materials and Chemicals
One of the few algae companies that generates revenue today, it is aligning partners and scaling production facilities to sell into high value, personal care markets as it brings costs down to where it can compete in fuels and chemicals.

EOS: Advanced Materials
A leader in the burgeoning 3D printing space, EOS has a long list of development partners and employs a savvy business model that includes selling "optimized" raw material input powders at very high margins to go along with laser tools.

Vigilent: Grid Storage; Efficient Building Systems
Its artificial intelligence-based energy management software learns operational habits and optimizes building energy efficiency and consumption, offering payback periods to customers of less than two years.

Cambrios TechnologiesPrinted, Flexible, and Organic Electronics; Solar Components; Advanced Materials
Cambrios develops silver nanowire-based transparent conductive films that replace indium tin oxide, particularly for touchscreen applications.

SunPowerSolar Manufacturer; Solar Project Development
As the manufacturer of the highest efficiency crystalline silicon modules at 21% efficiency, SunPower has strong strategic partners and a multi-gigawatt project pipeline in the high profit margin regions of the Americas and Asia.

Efficient Power Conversion: Energy Electronics
This fab-less manufacturer of gallium nitride (GaN) power electronics devices already has products in the 40V-200V range, and plans to expand to 600V applications, taking advantage of GaN’s improved efficiency over today’s silicon-based devices.

Enviro Voraxial: Water
The company sells high efficiency, low footprint oil-water separators especially suited for the offshore market, and quadrupled its revenues in 2012.

ItaconixBio-based Materials and Chemicals
With a low-capex process, its one of the few bio-based chemical companies expected to run in the black in 2013.

Desso: Green Building Materials
Makes carpet for residential, office, and hospitality sectors and artificial grass for sports stadiums using "cradle-to-cradle" principles. Products are biodegradable and recyclable and  offer functionality like capture and retention of allergens and enhanced sound insulation.

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