Waste Heat Powers Mixed Use Complex in Vancouver

Published on: March 11, 2013

Telus, a Canadian telecommunications company, is building its new headquarters in a mixed used development that will run on waste energy.

In the heart of downtown Vancouver, the Telus Garden complex consists of a LEED-Platinum 24-story office building and a LEED-Gold 53-story residential building, along with retail space.

Most importantly, the complex will be powered by waste heat from Telus’s adjacent data center and the new office tower’s cooling system. It will provide heat, hot water and cooling for the buildings.

FortisBC received permission to set up an on-site district energy system that allows it to operate a regulated utility that captures and re-distributes low-grade heat throughout the million square-foot development. Excess heat will move from one building to another as needed, cutting energy demand almost 80% compared to conventional, similar buildings.

It also has solar panels, uses rainwater to flush toilets and for irrigation and has charging stations for electric cars.

The office tower is scheduled to open next year and the residential building in spring, 2015.


In the US, Ball State University is putting in a district energy system as it converts from coal to geothermal.

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