USDA Announces BioPreferred Label for Biobased Products

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is launching a new consumer label to identify biobased products made from renewable resources.

USDA’s BioPreferred program announced that a final rule to initiate a voluntary product certification and labeling program will be published in the Federal Register today.

Biobased products are those composed wholly or significantly of biological ingredients–renewable plant, animal, marine or forestry materials. The new label indicates that the product has been certified to meet USDA standards for a prescribed amount of biobased content. The USDA did not announce what those specific amounts are.

With the launch of the USDA biobased product label, the BioPreferred program is now comprised of two parts: a biobased product procurement preference program for Federal agencies, and a voluntary labeling initiative for the broad-scale marketing of biobased products.

Through implementation of the BioPreferred program, USDA has already designated approximately 5,100 biobased products for preferred purchasing by Federal agencies. The new label will make identification of these products easier for Federal buyers, and will increase awareness of these products in other markets.

USDA estimates that there are 20,000 biobased products currently being manufactured in the United States and that the growing industry as a whole is responsible for over 100,000 jobs.

USDA’s BioPreferred program was created by the 2002 Farm Bill to increase the purchase and use of biobased products within the Federal government and the commercial market. Congress reauthorized and strengthened the program in the 2008 Farm Bill to further promote the sale of biobased products.

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