Unbelievable! Last Ditch Effort to Prevent Vermont GMO Labels

Published on: June 24, 2016

In Vermont, the first GMO labeling law in the US goes into effect July 1 and Monsanto and Big Food manufacturers are hell bent on preventing it.

The Senate voted down the DARK Act in March, but in a last ditch effort, the bill is rearing its head again.

Yesterday, Senators Roberts (R-KS) and Stabenow (D-MI) brought the DARK Act back and it’s expected to get a vote after July 5, immediately after Congress returns from recess – and after the law takes effect.

Roberts chairs the Senate Agriculture Committee and Stabenow is ranking member. “The bill is written and approved by Monsanto and America’s most corrupt food companies,” says Food Democracy Now. “The last ditch effort will get a vote because it keeps the campaign cash coming in from companies like Monsanto, DuPont, Pepsi, General Mills,  Smucker’s, and even organic companies, Stonyfield, Organic Valley and Whole Foods.

The Senators are using every lobbying trick in the book, even passing out flyers that warn about Vermont’s “dangerous” law, says Politico’s Morning Agriculture blog.

Stabenow voted against the DARK Act in committee and in the March Senate vote, but now, she’s reversed course. Dow Chemical – maker of Enlist Duo – and Kellogg – which is suing and lobbying against GMO labels through its trade association – are among her top funders.

Senator Bernie Sanders says he will filibuster the bill so that it requires 60 votes to pass. He is a co-sponsor of a bill that mandates GMO labels, which has gone nowhere fast.

“I am very proud that Vermont leads the country on GMO labeling. GMO labeling exists in dozens of countries around the world. It is not controversial. People have a right to know what is in the food they eat. I am going to do everything I can to defeat this legislation,” Sanders says.

70 consumer, food safety, farm, environmental, religious groups and progressive companies like Dr. Bronners, sent a joint letter to the Senate urging “opposition to the discriminatory and deeply flawed GMO labeling bill, which has come forward without a hearing or testimony. It is the result of a non-transparent deal between two Senators, the Grocery Manufacturers Association and other industry groups.


If Vermont’s law goes into effect, other states will surely follow, and that’s what the chemical industry is afraid of. Several big food companies like General Mills have already committed to label GMO foods because of this law. Once they label it for one state, they are likely to do it across the US so they don’t have to manufacture differently state to state.

Important: if you want Vermont’s GMO labeling law to go through, call your Senators and tell them to vote NO on this bill (S.2609) and any other that prevents mandatory GMO labeling.

Call 866-772-3843  

You will hear a short message from Food & Water Watch and then you will be transferred to one of your Senators.

When a staffer answers, tell them your name, where you’re from, and say: I’m a constituent and I care about my right to know what’s in the food I eat. I want my Senator to vote NO on the “compromise” version of Senate Bill 2609 and any other legislation that results in anything less than mandatory on-package labeling for GMO foods.”

Call again and you will automatically be routed to your second Senator.

Thousands of people are calling, so please be patient and persistent if you have trouble getting through.

You can also sign this petition: http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/sign/dont_let_Monsanto_and_organic_elite_kill_GMO_labeling/?t=6&akid=1887.471299.vAC-l9

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