UN Climate Talks Sputter in Germany

Published on: June 1, 2010

United Nations-led climate talks resumed in Bonn, Germany Monday, as 185 nations continue to search for a path forward.

The conference got off to a rocky start, as some developing countries objected to a new text published last month outlining a wide range of options for addressing climate change. 

The group of Latin American nations that opposed the Copenhagen Accord–including Bolivia, Venezuela and Cuba–said they cannot negotiate the new text, because it prioritizes the Accord. 

The US delegation said they believe the text–drafted by Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe of Zimbabwe (who is chair of the UN talks)–is not meant to be a draft text. 

Jonathan Pershing, head of the US delegation, told Reuters it’s not clear whether or not countries will be able to resume negotiations on a revised text in the next two weeks. 

Another emerging issue is whether or not developed countries should be allowed to exclude from their carbon accounting emissions produced from biomass-fired power generation.

Read the full story at the link below.

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