TransCanada Delivers Eminent Domain Papers, Taking Private Land for Keystone

Published on: January 20, 2015

Yesterday, a second pipeline rupture allowed 50,000 gallons of tar sands sludge to pollute the once pristine, Yellowstone River in Montana. 

Just one more example of the risk the Keystone pipeline poses down the entire spine of the US.

Coincidentally, yesterday, TransCanada served Nebraska families with eminent domain papers notifying them their land will be used for the Keystone pipeline.

"Eminent domain was never intended to be used for private gain, yet that is what Nebraska lawmakers are letting TransCanada do to landowners today. Nebraska’s eminent domain law sides with oil companies over the farmers and ranchers who are the backbone of our state’s economy," says Bold Nebraska.

TransCanada wasted no time after landowners were defeated in court about 10 days ago. Landowners aren’t giving up – now that eminent domain papers have been served, they can even take the case to the Supreme Court.

"It is critical to note that when TransCanada brags about having 100% of the necessary easements in Montana and South Dakota to build its pipeline, what they fail to mention is that many landowners did not sign willingly. They were forced through eminent domain and were bullied very early on in the process and told that they had no other option but to sign. Landowners in all three states oppose this project and know the risks a tar sands pipeline brings to their land and water," says Bold Nebraska.

"Today, Nebraska families are facing an inconceivable moment when land that has been in their hands for generations is being taken away from them by a foreign oil company," says Jane Kleeb, Director of Bold Nebraska. 

Tar Sands Pipeline Nebraska Lawsuit

It is time to put all this to rest by President Obama rejecting Keystone once and for all.

Could Keystone Be America’s Last Pipeline? The fight against Keystone has inspired opposition to pipelines planned across the country, including natural gas. 

"Cynics told us Keystone XL would be a distraction from other key fights – instead it’s been an inspiration and training ground for activists across North America," Jamie Henn, co-founder of, told Politico. "From Montreal to Minnesota, volunteers are hard at work blocking proposed pipelines." While the oil industry calls it NIMBYism, it’s about stopping further development of fossil fuel infrastructure.

Read more in Politico:  

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