Sustainability at Vancouver Games

Published on: February 15, 2010

The gold, silver and bronze medals awarded during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC, will be the first ever to include recovered metals.

Minerals and mining company Teck Resources Ltd supplied the metals used in the production of the 1,000-plus medals to be awarded at the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

The company provided gold, silver and copper that was partially collected from circuit boards of discarded electronics (e-waste).

Although historically significant, the percentage of recycled metal is small: gold: 1.52%; silver: 0.122%; and copper: 1.11%.

Green Arena

The design features of the Richmond Olympic Oval are a more recognizable indication of green initiatives at the Vancouver games.

The building, which is considered the signature building of the Games, is constructed with wood salvaged from pine-beetle infestations. It also includes rain-water harvesting, waste-heat recovery and a roof shaped like a wave.

Read additional coverage at the link below. 

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