SMUD Experiment Encourages Customers to Reduce Energy Usage

Published on: October 1, 2008

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) has been conducting a
first-of-its-kind experiment, providing 35,000 randomly selected
customers with monthly reports on their home electricity use.

Halfway through the yearlong experiment, customers receiving the
reports, which compare their electricity usage to neighbors’ usage
levels, have significantly decreased usage, according to project
manager Ali Crawford. 

In fact, the program has been so successful that Los Angeles,
San Diego and the Puget Sound region of Washington are establishing
similar programs.

"We had hoped to save 2 to 3% in monthly energy costs for
customers, and it looks like we have far exceeded that," Crawford said.
"The savings are increasing each month. We haven’t plateaued."

Read the full Sacramento Bee report.

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