Smart Meters Get Pushback Because of Electromagnetic Field Concerns

Published on: January 7, 2011

It’s hard to find a new technology that doesn’t have a bad side.
Whether it’s giant solar farms on sensitive lands, the effects of wind turbines on birds and bats, the potential for ocean energy to harm marine wildlife, or toxic mining of rare earths for a variety of cleantech applications, none of our cleanest technologies is without problems.

Now, concerns are rising over the health effects from electromagnetic waves produced by smart meters, a key cleantech technology to increase building efficiency in homes and businesses.

Meters produce more electromagnetic radiation than cell phones, which have been the subject of extensive research and health concern.

In California, the Marin County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed an ordinance that calls smart meters a public nuisance in some areas. In addition to health risks, the board cited concerns about using meters to invade peoples’ privacy by collecting information about their activities.

The board asked the California Public Utilities Commission to declare a moratorium on meters, following the lead of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. The towns of Fairfax,  Watsonville, and Santa Cruz County have also passed laws banning meters.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co says they will continue installing the meters, which should be finished by the end of 2012 to comply with a state mandate.

According PG&E, the meters will detect power outages faster, provide residents with hourly and daily summaries of their energy use, and will alert them when they’re about to enter a higher pricing tier because of the amount of energy they used.

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Comments on “Smart Meters Get Pushback Because of Electromagnetic Field Concerns”

  1. James in VA

    Smart meters ARE SPY METERS! People have got to understand how these are designed to work. These are the designed to FORCE you to change your life based on the idea of rate changes through out the day. If you decide not too or dont know because you didnt check useing several methods then you pay a really high rate. So really its another tool to help the utilities maximize profits by chargeing higher rates and fireing meter readers ( from which we’ll never se the saveings). This is akin to selling food in the super market at double the price in the hours of 3pm-6pm or gas at those hours at the same jacked up rates. We are paying for a unit of energy no less, no more.

    Back to them being spy meters. They are designed to run with a home area network that will tie into all your appliances. This meter lays the ground work for the monitoring of ALL your household activities useing any form of electricity. These will work with googles “PowerMeter” which knows WHAT you turn on and WHEN you turn it on. All this info is logged and dont think for a min. that this info wont be used to sell to advertisers. They will be able to recreate almost everything you do. This all ties into your appliances that allows your utility to “regulate” these either through the price structure or by high demand dropping (Turning off) appliances such as A/C, Heat, fridge, etc. The price structure system means your appliances will BID for electricity based on what you think is too expencive or willingness to pay for x rate, such as firdge or A/C will turn off over $.19 KWH. This whole system will be communicating to each other and through the smart meter.

    In the end as the end game goal EVERYTHING will have a RFID tag on everything you buy such as the barcode is now. Its called Line item tagging or EPC instead of UPC. The RFID’s will have unique serial numbers on them that identify that can of coke or box of mac and cheese. When you check out at the register and you pay useing anything other then cash (Unless you use cash + savings card) It will register your cans of coke as YOURS. They say to help in case of a recall they can easily tell who has these and who needs to bring back the products. All this ties into the smart meter so when you take your 12 pack of sodas home and you walk within 3-10 feet of your fridge it registers (ie picks up the signal of the RFID’s) everything you got. The idea of the fridge telling you that you should buy more of something or auto ordering has been the selling point for these. You know this is going to be another sold marketing tool.

    Theres so much more that I have research for last few years, I just dont have the space to write it all here in response. This is a track and trace grid and I think people should be able to opt out of it. If it is such a great thing that all the pusshers what us to believe then allow people to sign up to it and allow people to decide. That would truely allow this to roll out at its own pace and cool people down. On second thought If they did that then people would see the true nature of this.

  2. ConcernedCitizen

    I agree with the comment above, in that Smart Meters are definitely a way to infringe upon one’s privacy and earn bigger bucks for utilities. The worst side of Smart Meters are the health impacts from increased electromagnetic fields and RF emissions from non-ionized radiation, as the meters are indescriminately placed close to people in homes and yards. The Smart Meters emit high bursts of radiation throughout the day. For instance, my Smart Meter was installed right next to the headboard of my bed, on the exterior wall. Not a word was spoken nor a pamphlet provided to warn me about health effects. At first, there was ringing of the ears and sleeplessness, with fatigue. This worked into worse ringing and pain in ears, at times. Then, worse yet, increasing sensitivity to other electromagnetic fields such as from computers, wireless internet, WI-FI, cell phones, and DECT phone systems. A feeling of nausea and headache would come from using these. Changed my life for the worse, that is for sure. Can’t use the master bedroom now, can’t go near the Smart Meter outside (there goes the front and side yards) …. and even with a note from my environmental doctor, SDG&E, my utility, will not remove the Smart Meter(s). Oh, did I mention, there are two, one on each end of the house. I think it is all a lie about the green aspects – except for, of course, the green that goes to the bank for the utilities – Smart Meters mean money for utilities and loss of health, privacy, and security for the rest of us. Visit for more information.

  3. enLightNd

    Don’t let the collectavists mandate to you what you must do. If its so great then they can install the special meter and save money.
    If it was really about econimcs, do you think they should have to legislatively force people into save money?

  4. jack baker

    In a community just north of where I live, these meters were installed a few months ago, and peoples’ utility bills immediately jumped 3X! A $150 bill jumped to $450. There was public outcry and these meters were “checked” to make sure they were calibrated “correctly”, and you guessed it, the fox was guarding the chicken coop again! After being “checked” they were all labeled as “accurate”! It is time for people to saboutage these devices and get off the grid entirely!

  5. I do not remember i forgot my name

    I am currently in Germany. Those people here are having smart meters all over this f….. Apartments ,Libraries , office buildings , just everywhere sitting on the heating devices and via wifi 24/7 transmitting data. The power companies come wit laptop only once every 6 months and collect data , that’ it. On top of it I pay every month for six months or whole year fast price of example 40 euros for electricity, no matter if I use nothing less or more ,then they check how much i have used after 6 months and If I use to much i have to pay more and if not they give me back. This is such crap. Because in that time the power company together with house maintenance makes the big bucks. How the German people have made the big companies f… them so over with this I do not know. I am noticing the lack of speech competence in those folks , very quiet and like sleeping sheep.

    This is all wrong anti human. I have in my place Wifi from other people , that goes through my place, then radio waves , cell phone sh.. waves and now smart meter sh..! How can we be so asleep to pay for our own destruction??? We pay for it. Auschwitz Birkenau sch.. all over .I do not know if this fits to this topic , but I want to say this also : I am white I think we white people
    have not done anything to this planet but destruction . F…the white people .This is not civilisation , this is one mega virus .

  6. Running Horses

    And let’s not forget to mention TSA Scanners. Did you realize it’s the same as being INSIDE a microwave? Even Los Alamos scientists issued a warning and they are part of the United States Department of Justice.

  7. xfmrman

    It is obvious that these folks giving the pushback have a hidden adgenda. The emf produced by a smart meter is next to nothing. I don’t know how you can compare them to cellphones unless you are putting your ear on the meter? As far as privacy, if they are calibrated properly all they can tell someone about you is how much energy you are using, just like a dumb meter. Just another bunch of stupid politicians getting bum info on a technology they do not understand

  8. Benja S. Sariwatta

    Bait and switch. They get you hooked on electricity and buying from an electric company instead of generating your own, then they start scheming against you and robbing you blind.

  9. In Phough

    Interesting and recent News related to this article:

    merger of Duke Energy and Progress Energy

    Pentagon veteran John Wheeler found dead in a landfill

    Wife of a key White House aide found dead in burning car

  10. Wiresketch

    James in VA is right, however the cost of RFID equipment will certainly slow that aspect, but the “Time Of Day Rate Billing” becomes immediately available to the utility companies to jack your rates up just at the time you need electricity the most. The sell to all the worthless morron Public Service Commission members was that this would enable the consumer to selectively save energy-translation : they intend on charging as much as they possibly can at certain times of day.Back in the good old days our local utility company had what they called a “Demand Meter” which would trigger a high surcharge if you used to much energy at any given time-and this could only trigger once every 15 minutes-this was a great way to save money to.

  11. Jon Doe

    It’s Govt. take over, pure and simple!!! The globalist have begun their control schemes and evil mechanics. There’s no stopping if were all submissive spirits!!!

  12. skyking

    Just one more effort by the psychopathic, super secret ILUMINATI to gain control over the rest of us. They are utterly ruthless in their quest for power, money, and control. It is time to start IDENTIFYING them. They are everywhere in our government and military. They talk abut ” change ” but really want the ” status quo ”

  13. David W. Mecone

    I am now wondering if this is the cause of everything in my garage/machine shop to become magnetized. Even tools that are no where a magnetic source. Thank you.

  14. scray

    what’s this gonna do to my defib/pacemaker, since I’m not supposed to play in the electromagnetic feilds?????


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