SCE, SunPower, Fotawatio Sign Contracts For 800MW of California Solar

Published on: January 10, 2011

Southern California Edison (SCE), an Edison International (NYSE: EIX) utility, has signed contracts with SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA) and Fotowatio Renewable Ventures, Inc. (FRV) for more than 800 megawatts (MW) of solar power.

The contracts will include one of the country’s largest single solar photovoltaic installations.

Electricity generated as a result of these contracts will total 831 MW. Three contracts with SunPower will total 711 MW and include one of the largest single solar photovoltaic installations–325 megawatts–in the United States. Contracts with FRV allow for the delivery of 120 MW of solar energy from four projects.

The solar photovoltaic projects are located in California’s Kern, Los Angeles and Merced counties. 

“This is an unprecedented time for solar photovoltaic,” said Marc Ulrich, SCE’s vice president, Renewable and Alternative Power. “We’re seeing growth in technological advances and manufacturing efficiencies that result in competitive prices for green, emission-free energy for our customers.”

The three contracts with SunPower include:

  • 110 MW from Solar Star California XIII, LLC, located in Los Banos, scheduled to be operational by Dec. 31, 2014
  • 325 MW from Solar Star California XIX, LLC, located in Rosamond, scheduled to be operational by Oct. 31, 2016
  • 276 MW from Solar Star California XX, LLC, located in Rosamond, scheduled to be operational by Oct. 31, 2016

The four contracts with FRV include:

  • 60 MW from Regulus Solar L.P., located in Lamont, scheduled to be operational by Dec. 31, 2013
  • 20 MW from Cygnus Solar L.P., located in Arvin, scheduled to be operational by Sept. 30, 2013
  • 20 MW from Mojave Solar L.P., located in Mojave, scheduled to be operational by Dec. 31, 2013
  • 20 MW from Mojave Solar 4 L.P., located in Lancaster, scheduled to be operational by Dec. 31, 2013.

The projects will interconnect with existing and forthcoming transmission lines. These contracts are a result of SCE’s competitive renewables solicitation, and are contingent on approval by the California Public Utilities Commission.

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