San Francisco Mandates Benchmarking for Commercial Buildings

Published on: February 10, 2011

Yesterday the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved groundbreaking policy aimed at transforming commercial buildings from the biggest energy users in the city to the biggest energy savers.

The newly adopted “Existing Commercial Building Energy Performance Ordinance” requires commercial property owners to measure and rate, or “benchmark” the energy performance of their buildings and make energy ratings available to the public. The ordinance also requires owners to conduct energy audits every five years.

The decision comes just a week after President Obama unveiled his “Better Buildings Initiative” aimed at reducing energy use in buildings by 20% by 2020 by improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

While benchmarking and auditing will be relatively new practices for
smaller building owners, many large property managers already use these
proven energy-saving techniques.

Benchmarking building energy performance is widely regarded as the critical first step that owners can take to start taking control of energy use and costs; and more cities and states are starting to require owners to do so, including Seattle, New York City, Austin and Washington D.C. and California and Washington state.

Buildings, which account for about 70% of the electricity consumed in the U.S., could be made up to 50% more energy efficient with currently available products and services. But most owners don’t know how well or poorly their buildings use energy, and unknowingly waste hundreds and even thousands of dollars each month paying unnecessarily higher energy bills.

At the same time, consumers have no way to compare the potential energy use and costs of buildings they plan to buy or rent—they, too, are paying more for energy than they need to be.

Under the newly passed ordinance, energy reports would be made public on an annual basis. The rules apply first to commercial properties larger than 50,000 square feet starting in October 2011, and then phase in so that by 2013, the rules would apply to all commercial properties 10,000 square feet or larger.

“Benchmarking” is the process of measuring the energy use of a building and comparing it to othersimilar buildings to obtain an energy rating. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers a free online benchmarking tool called Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) that many owners currently use. ESPM scores range from 1 to 100, with a score of 50 being the average. A score of 75 or higher is needed to apply for an Energy Star label. Competitive building owners and property managers across the U.S. are already voluntarily benchmark buildings, including those listed in interview sources below.

“Benchmarking and auditing are the only ways to know what the opportunities for energy improvement are," said Blake Peterson, Senior Property Manager at Ashforth Pacific of California. "Reducing energy costs is likely the single most significant way to increase operating income and appeal to future tenants, investors, and owners. Keep in mind that your competition is benchmarking and auditing, so not doing so puts you at a competitive disadvantage.”

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