Reid Wants Senate Energy Bill in July

Published on: June 4, 2010

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to move on comprehensive energy legislation in July, according to reports on The Hill and Politico.

He reportedly send a letter to committee chairmen Thursday urging them to recommend legislation to deal with the Gulf oil spill by July 4, so that it can be incorporated into a larger package. 

Environmentalists have been urging the Obama administration and Democratic leadership for weeks to seize momentum for energy reform caused by the ongoing disaster. 

However, Reid may not intend to push the climate and energy bill drafted by Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.). 

Kerry and Lieberman praised Reid for an "unwavering commitment to comprehensive legislation." But Washington insiders are saying that if Reid planned to pushed the Kerry-Lieberman bill, he would have said so. 

If that is the case, the bill is not likely to include any limits on greenhouse gas pollution–though it could include a federal renewable portfolio standard (RPS) desired by the clean energy industry. 

Read Politico coverage at the link below, and link to The Hill here.

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