Portland, OR Adopts Aggressive Climate Change Policy

Published on: November 2, 2009

Portland, Oregon is adopting one of world’s most aggressive programs in the US to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The City Council passed a 40-year plan with a 4-0 vote.

Under the Climate Action Plan, the city of Portland and surrounding county, Multnomah County, will slash GHG 80% below 1990 levels by 2050.

The plan covers energy use in buildings, transportation, urban planning and agriculture. It will go a long way toward creating a local green economy, which will not only stabilize the region environmentally while growing the economy and green jobs, but will establish leadership in services and products that can be exported globally.

93 actions are listed in the plan for the next three years, as well as benchmarks to meet by 2030. The plan and its performance will be reviewed every three years.

Targets Include:

  • Net zero GHG emissions in new homes and buildings;
  • Energy use in current buildings reduced 25%;
  • Neighborhoods designed so 80% of county residents (90% of city residents) can walk or bicycle to meet daily needs.
  • Miles driven per day reduced 30% per person.
  • Solid waste reduced 25%; 90% of waste reused or recycled
  • Locally grown food increased significantly
  • Urban forest expanded to cover a third of Portland
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