Obama Says Budget Must Support Clean Energy

Published on: March 24, 2009

President Obama on Monday began what is to be a week-long publicity push in support of his federal budget proposal. Of the four primary objectives within the budget, he began by highlighting the importance of developing the nation’s clean energy supply. 

Speaking to entrepreneurs and research leaders in Washington D.C. he said the United States most transition from being the world’s largest importer of foreign oil to being the world largest exporter of alternative energy technology. 

Obama’s budget, which has received strong criticism over the last few weeks, includes close to $75 billion over 10 years to make a tax credit permanent for alternative energy research and experimentation.

Obama plans to make his budget pitch with a prime-time news conference today.

Read extended coverage and watch the President’s weekly address at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “Obama Says Budget Must Support Clean Energy”

  1. Gary G.

    If anyone watched last night’s news conference by President Obama, it should alarm you to know this is not the guy who should be in charge of our economy at the moment. Using very fuzzy math, Obama pitched the idea that spending a trillion dollars more than what we actually take in over the next few years is somehow going to reduce our deficit. Surely people are becoming wise to this unsustainable spending. Even his own party has formed a special group who are against this wreckless spending. To top it off, Obama views this spending as “invesments” such that we, the taxpayer, will get some sort of payoff after he puts the country is so much debt we are practically bankrupt. People complained that Bush doubled the deficit in 8 years, but Obama managed to double Bush’s deficit in 60 days. We are clearly on an unsustainable course. We can’t really afford these “investments”. The only “payback” we’ll get is that our energy industry will be about as productive as the US post office (remember those funny postal delivery trucks?) We should all be alarmed, and become much more informed as to what constitutes a sustainable economy versus the unsustainable course that Obama has set us upon.


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