NYC Opposes Natural Gas Drilling

Published on: December 28, 2009

New York City is opposing new drilling for natural gas in the region, according to a Reuters report.

Geologists say the Marcellus Shale formation, which lies beneath New York and Pennsylvania contains enough natural gas to meet US demand for a decade. However, new technology that allows for its extraction is blamed by many for the poisoning of subterranean aquifers.

The technology in question is called "fracking" and involves using chemicals to crack open layers of shale. 

New York City last week urged the state to ban natural gas drilling in its watershed.

Steven Lawitts, the city’s top environmental official, called fracking techniques "unacceptable threats to the unfiltered fresh water supply of nine million New Yorkers."

New York Governor David Paterson is reportedly reviewing the issue. 

Read the story at the link below.

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