North American Feed-in Tariffs At Tipping Point

Published on: August 13, 2009

The United States and Canada are beginning to recognize the efficacy of feed-in tariffs for renewable energy, according to Ben Block of the World Watch Institute. 

European countries have employed these incentives succesfully for years, guaranteeing that anyone who generates renewable power can sell it into the electric grid at a profit.

More than a dozen U.S. states, one Canadian province, and numerous municipalities have now implemented some form of feed-in Tariff (FIT).

"We’ve reached a tipping point where a feed-in tariff is no longer such an odd idea for America," said Paul Gipe, a wind energy and FIT advocate. "In fact, it’s the best idea for rapid development of the massive amount of renewable energy that’s needed now."

Read the full article at the link below.

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