New Certification for Carbon Management Professionals Will Help Industry Mature

Published on: June 8, 2011

As companies and governments confront new standards and regulations for greenhouse gas emissions, demand is increasing for professionals who are qualified to lead programs that measure and manage emissions. 

To address this need, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and the Environmental Careers Organization of Canada (ECO Canada) created a program where people can get certified in "carbon management."

The Environmental Professional Certification on Greenhouse Gases – EP(GHG) – is the world’s first and only professional greenhouse gas-related certification accredited to ISO 17024.

ISO 17024, an international accreditation standard for bodies operating personnel certification schemes, defines criteria that a professional certification program must meet to assure quality and objectivity.

"The world desperately needs the field of GHG management to mature," states Michael Gillenwater, Executive Director and Dean of the GHG Management Institute. "To implement the type of climate change policies necessary to fully address the problem, a process of professionalization must be initiated quickly, globally, and at all levels, from intergovernmental to corporate. Our future relies on building and maintaining the confidence of the public and decision makers that climate change policies can work."

In a recent global survey by the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute, 80% of employers polled sais they would be more inclined to hire certified professionals over non-certified GHG practitioners.

The program is open to all qualified professionals that work in the quantification and/or verification of GHGs arising from national activities, from activities of organizations, entities, facilities or emissions reduction projects.

"Greenhouse gas measurement, reporting, and verification underpin all international efforts to address climate change. It is our vision to ensure that there is an adequate supply of certified professionals to meet the growing needs of the global GHG measurement and management climate policies/programs. The EP(GHG) will provide certainty to the global community that quantification and verification of GHGs can be undertaken at the highest possible professional standard," says Grant Trump, CEO of ECO Canada.

To help build a new and growing generation of GHG professionals, the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute and Environmental Careers Organization Canada partnership is also launching the Environmental Professional in Training title – EPt(GHG).

The EPt(GHG) distinction will be available to emerging professionals who have satisfied EP(GHG) post-secondary education requirements but have not yet completed the extensive work experience and/or GHG training necessary to achieve the EP(GHG) certification.

Both the EP(GHG) and EPt(GHG) titles are available worldwide.


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