Moser Baer Invests in Stion

Published on: November 20, 2006

Moser Baer PhotoVoltaic Ltd, a subsidiary of Moser Baer India Ltd, has acquired a significant minority stake in Stion Corporation, a nanostructures technology company, formerly known as NStructures.

Moser recently invested two solar concentrator technology companies, Solaria and SolFocus.

Ravi Khanna, Moser Baer Photovoltaic CEO said, “This is in line with out strategy to reduce the cost of solar power generation significantly by straddling multiple future technologies and emerge as an engineering and technology driven company. We are decisively responding to the rapidly expanding solar PV market, where worldwide demand far outstrips supply.”

This third investment is part of $17 million the PV subsidiary will be investing in emerging solar cell technologies. The company is investing in disruptive technologies like concentrator photovoltaic and nanotechnology that’s forcing the restructuring of dominant solar technologies and that has the potential to compete with existing PV and conventional energy technologies.

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