Microsoft Unveils Smart Grid Application

Published on: June 25, 2009

Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) today unveiled Microsoft Hohm, an online
application that can help consumers understand and reduce their energy

The beta application is available for free in the United States.

Microsoft Hohm is the company’s answer to PowerMeter, released by Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) in February.

Both companies hope to integrate their applications with smart
meters being installed by utilities across the U.S. and the globe.

Microsoft said consumers who are customers of
a Microsoft Hohm utility partner company can opt to automatically
upload their energy usage data into the application in the near future.

"We believe technology will play a pivotal role in tackling the global
energy issues we currently face," said Craig Mundie, chief research and
strategy officer at Microsoft. "Microsoft Hohm demonstrates how a
combination of advanced software and Internet-based services can help
people track, understand and manage their personal energy usage."

In addition to tracking energy usage, Hohm provides savings
recommendations, which can range from placing new caulking on windows
to removing air leaks to installing a programmable thermostat.
Recommendations will be based on information shared by users and usage
patterns, Microsoft said in a release. If consumers don’t provide their
data, Microsoft Hohm will base its recommendations on local and
national averages.

Users also will be able to compare their energy consumption with that
of others in their area and connect with the Microsoft Hohm community
to find referrals and exchange ideas.

Hohm uses analytics licensed from the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy.

To develop Hohm Microsoft has teamed with Puget Sound Energy,
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Seattle City Light and Xcel
Energy (NYSE: XEL).

Microsoft is also partnering with Itron Inc. (Nasdaq: ITRI) and Landis+Gyr to pursue integration with smart meters.

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