Lockheed To Provide Demand Management for Pepco

Published on: August 18, 2009

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) announced today that it was awarded a three-year contract by Pepco Holdings, Inc., (NYSE: POM) to implement energy efficiency and conservation programs and services for its non-residential customers in the District of Columbia.

Also known as demand side management, the contract is part of Pepco’s plan to empower customers to manage and reduce their energy usage and costs. The programs are scheduled to run until 2011 and include a budget of $12.7 million.

Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will manage several programs to encourage Pepco’s commercial, governmental and institutional customers to identify and implement energy saving opportunities related to building performance.

The Prescriptive Rebate Program, Custom Incentive Program, HVAC Efficiency Program, and Building Commissioning and Operations & Maintenance Program will be designed to encourage the use of cost-effective, energy efficient products and design practices during new construction, renovations, remodels, and equipment replacement events. The programs will encourage electrical, mechanical, and lighting systems improvements, and employ best practices for building commissioning, as well as improving building operation and maintenance practices for Pepco’s customers.

Lockheed Martin is one of the nation’s largest implementers of energy efficiency programs for utility customers. These include the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), AmerenUE (Missouri), Energy Trust of Oregon, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Southern California Edison Co. and several other utilities throughout the U.S.

In January, Lockheed and New Jersey-based Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: OPTT) announced plans to collaborate on utility-scale wave power generation in North America.

Lockheed is also building a 290-megawatt (MW) concentrated solar power (CSP) plant in Arizona for Starwood Energy Group. 

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