Google, Nike, Patagonia Listed for Bettering the Planet

Published on: September 4, 2008

Plenty Magazine released its list of 20 businesses, 20 people and 10 innovative ideas that are bettering the planet.

The businesses include:

A123 System for breakthroughs in battery technology.

Applied Materials (Nasdaq: AMAT) for shifting its nanomanufacturing technology to create the largest thin-film solar cells in the world.

IBM (NYSE: IBM) for investing 1$ billion in its "Big Green" initiative and leading a movement to create a smarter electric grids.

Bon Appetit Management Company for running cafeteria services according to "deep-green" principles that include direct purchasing  from farmer and artisans within 150 miles.

Coskata for advancements in ethanol production from non-food sources. The company says it will make cellulosic ethanol for less than a dollar a gallon and requiring less than a gallon of water to produce.

Iberdrola (IBE.MC) for being the largest renewable-energy operator in the world. The company plans to invest $8 billion in U.S. renewable energy over the next two years.

Patagonia for launching its Footprint Chronicles website, aiming for full disclosure of the ecological impacts associated with the company’s outdoor products.

Nike (NYSE: NKE) for joining the Fair Labor Association and making the deepest cuts in carbon emissions among apparel companies.

RecycleBank for creating an incentive based program to increase household recycling rates in Philadelphia. They plan to go nationwide in the next few years.

Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) for spending millions of dollars to spur the development of renewable energy sources that are cleaner and cheaper than coal.

Read the full list at Plenty Magazine’s website.

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