Google, GE Form Partnership for Renewable Energy

Published on: September 18, 2008

Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) and GE (NYSE: GE), two of the most outspoken U.S. companies supporting development of clean energy technology, have decided to combine their efforts.

The companies announced that they intend to collaborate in lobbying efforts in Washington D.C. to push for more renewable energy and also in research and development into advanced energy technologies–particularly for the creation of smart electric grids and electric vehicles.

Smart grids allow utilities and customers to more closely monitor and control energy usage.

"Both companies believe that our economic, environmental and security challenges require that we use electricity more efficiently, generate it from cleaner sources, and electrify our transportation fleet," the firms said in a joint release.

Last month, Google invested $10 million dollars in enhanced geothermal technology, and the company’s CEO Eric Schmidt gave a presentation explaining that the cost of switching to U.S. to 100% renewable power would be largely recouped through energy savings.

GE recently passed the $4 billion mark enroute to investing $6 billion in renewable energy by 2010. The company also announced a multi-billion dollar partnership with Abu-Dhabi based Mubadala Corporation.

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