Geothermal Industry News

Published on: January 18, 2010

The New York Times published two interesting stories about geothermal energy in recent days.

One concerns new drilling safeguards imposed by the Department of Energy, following the shutdown of exploratory dtilling near San Francisco by geothermal company AltaRock Energy. 

Projects that received part of $338 million in DOE stimulus funding must now monitor ground-motion sensors and have a plan to shut down drilling, if earthquakes occur. Companies also will be required to submit predictions of earthquake activity and consult outside experts on seismic risks.

Read the full story.

The other story concerns last week’s large geothermal industry gathering in New York City. The Geothermal Energy Association (GEA) hopes to draw additional support from Wall Street financiers to pick up where federal initiatives leave off. 

The industry also is beginning a more concerted lobbying effort in Washington D.C. The New York event featured Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) as the keynote speaker. His home state of Nevada is one of the richest in geothermal energy potential.

Read the full story at the link below.

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