First WindCube Installed in Ohio

Published on: July 7, 2009

Akron, Ohio-based Green Energy Technologies LLC, unveiled the first commercially installed WindCube(R), now in service on the roof of the new Crown Battery Renewable Energy Center in Port Clinton’s Lake Erie Business Park.

Green Energy Technologies introduced the WindCube at the Windpower 2009
Conference & Exhibition in Chicago in May. By capturing and
amplifying the wind, the WindCube is said to produce the same amount of energy as a traditional wind turbine in a smaller footprint.

The company says a WindCube with a 22x22x12-foot frame can produce as much power as a traditional pole-mounted turbine with a 50-foot diameter.

In additiona, Green Energy Technologies said the WindCube is able to capture wind energy as low as 5 mph.

Based on initial site analysis and testing, at winds of 14 mph it is estimated that the 60kW WindCube installed at the Battery Renewable Energy Center will generate approximately 150,000 kilowatt hours of power annually. The installation will be the first commercial rooftop wind turbine in Ohio to provide on-site supplemental power generation using net metering.

"To better position the WindCube as a visible example of renewable energy, we’ve mounted a large LED screen on the building," said Hal Hawk, president of Crown Battery. "You’ll be able to see a display of real time data associated with the project, including wind speed, kilowatts of energy being generated by the WindCube at any given moment and cumulatively, and total carbon reduction."

Energy management, HVAC and roofing company Roth Bros., Inc. of Youngstown installed and oversaw commissioning of the WindCube and will provide 24/7 monitoring of energy usage using an online remote system that it designed for this particular turbine.

"This is the first of several installations we intend to complete in the coming months," said Cironi. "On-site generation is the future of wind energy, and the interest in this product has been phenomenal."

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