First Challenge to EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulations

Published on: December 15, 2009

It took just over a week for the first challenge to arise over the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) move to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the clean air act.

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) Monday announced her intention to file a disapproval resolution to stop the EPA. Murkowski’s resolution comes in the wake of the agency’s recent endangerment finding, which was the last procedural step required to allow the EPA to impose regulations.

The Obama administration has said it prefers that Congress pass climate change resolution to reduce emissions. However; the administration said it is prepared to act through the EPA, if legislations is not passed.

“The endangerment finding must be stopped so that Congress can pass
responsible legislation that is sound on its own merits, and not merely
a defense against the threat of damaging regulations," Murkowski said.

Murkowski will file her disapproval resolution pursuant to the
provisions of the Congressional Review Act (CRA). Sen. Don Nickles,
R-Okla., and Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV, were the principal sponsors of the
CRA, incorporated into the Contract with America Advancement Act of
1996, and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. 

Upon introduction, a disapproval resolution is referred to the
committee of jurisdiction, which in this case will be the Senate
Committee on Environment and Public Works. If the committee does not
favorably report the resolution within 20 calendar days, it may be
discharged upon petition by 30 Senators. Once a disapproval resolution
is placed on the Senate calendar, it is then subject to expedited
consideration on the Senate floor, and not subject to filibuster.

In Related News…

Montana’s Board of Environmental Review voted 5-2 Friday to begin developing the state’s first greenhouse gas rule, following the framework set by the EPA.

Read the full story at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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