FedEx Makes Fast Progress Toward Fuel-Sipping Fleet

Published on: May 17, 2012

FedEx is considering upping its target of increasing the fuel efficiency of its vehicle fleet 20% by 2020, because it’s already achieved a 16% gain from 2005 levels.

20% of the FedEx Express diesel pickup and delivery fleet has been converted to more efficient and cleaner emission models.

Besides buying 130 electric trucks, FedEx has purchased 11,000 vans with right-sized engines, more than 35% of its fleet. They are 70-100% more fuel-efficient than the  trucks they replace.

They have also added 114 advanced composite-body trucks also with right-sized engines. The lighter weight and engine saves about 35% of the fuel used in conventional walk-in vans.

FedEx is testing hybrid hydraulic parcel delivery vehicles that use 40% less gas, and electric delivery vehicles from various suppliers, including Smith Electric.

The company says their electric truck initiative is aimed at generally accelerating development of electric trucks while also improving its fleet efficiency. 

"While we naturally want to improve performance and reduce costs for FedEx, we also want to see all-electric trucks become more affordable and reliable for everyone from your local pizza parlor to other small businesses that deliver," says Mitch Jackson, vice president of environmental affairs and sustainability, FedEx Corp. "This is a strategy for reducing reliance on petroleum-based fuels in a much faster, more inclusive and impactful way."

Over the next few months, FedEx’s electric trucks will be deployed in numerous parts of California (San Francisco Bay area, LA, Orange County, San Diego and the Central Valley); Rockville, MD; New York City and several locations in Texas. They’re also in London and Paris, and will soon be iin other areas of Europe and in Asia.

The company is working with General Electric and Columbia University on a project in New York City to optimize charging facilities for electric trucks.

Fleet users present an added advantage for all-electric technology, since electric trucks can operate during the day and charge overnight when utilities have spare capacity. FedEx Express is currently working 

FedEx also has a target of running on 30% alternative fuels by 2030 as part of its commitment to reduce CO2 emissions from its aircraft fleet 20% and improve the efficiency of its vehicle fleet 20% by 2020. The company is a charter member of President Obama’s Clean Fleets Partnership.

And it opened a huge 175,000 square foot green roof at its cargo facility at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport.

Learn more about FedEx vehicle initiatives:

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