Environmental Groups Join Push for Broadband Connectivity

Published on: March 5, 2010

Labor, environmental and progressive leaders joined together Thursday, as the Federal Communications Commission prepares to unveil its National Broadband Plan to highlight how greater Internet connectivity can build a green economic future for America.

Smart buildings, smart grids, telehealth, teleconferencing, digital education–all of which are part of a highly-networked economy–will reduce carbon dioxide emissions, conserve energy resources, and promote and retain good, green jobs, according to a new report.

"Networking the Green Economy: How Broadband and Related Technologies Can Build a Green Economic Future," was released by the Progressive States Network, Communications Workers of America, Sierra Club and the Blue Green Alliance.

According to The Climate Group, transforming the way people and businesses use technology can reduce U.S. carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 13%-22% by 2020, and potentially see gross energy and fuel savings of $140-$240 billion. This report, setting forth ideas, research and recommendations to achieve these goals, details three broad areas of energy savings from networked technology that can help achieve energy savings and environmental goals: smart grids to improve the transmission, management, and distribution of energy; smart technologies, like smart meters or other demand management tools that reduce energy use at home or office; and broadband-based services including telehealth, long-distance business communication, and e-commerce to reduce travel and associated fuel costs.

The report offers several policy recommendations, including increasing access and addressing affordability of broadband technologies, supporting and promoting implementation of smart grids and devices, installing smart meters and implementing real-time pricing in a manner that protects consumers and strengthens the economy through the creation of green jobs, and adopting telehealth practices to decrease environmental impacts.

"Investing in new and emerging clean energy technologies will help to establish America as a global leader in the clean energy economy, while preserving our environment for future generations" David Foster, Executive Director of the Blue Green Alliance. "The jobs of the future should all be good, green jobs, and by taking action now on broadband and other technologies, we are putting ourselves in a position to create jobs and lead the world in the race for a clean energy economy."

The report is available as a pdf at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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