Electric Vehicles Connected to the Smart Grid, Coming Soon

Published on: June 1, 2011

German automakers want an industry standard for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and are throwing their weight behind HomePlug. 

HomePlug turns EVs into a smart appliance that can be managed through the grid like smart meters and climate control. 

The support of Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and Volkswagen will go a long way toward establishing HomePlug’s IEEE 1901  as the industry standard, setting the stage for grid networking to become widespread in homes and businesses in the US and abroad.

They are part of the HomePlug Powerline Alliance, an industry-led initiative with 65 member companies that creates specifications, marketing and certification programs to accelerate adoption of HomePlug technology.

Sponsor members already include Broadcom (BRCM), Cisco (CSCO), Duke Energy (NYSE: DUK) and GE Energy (NYSE: GE).

HomePlug GP is a key component of the HomePlug technology portfolio, along with HomePlug AV broadband powerline technology and the upcoming HomePlug AV2 specification. HomePlug AV is the baseline technology for the IEEE 1901 powerline standard. All three specifications are fully interoperable with each other and with IEEE’s 1901 powerline standard. HomePlug says they are designed to make it easier for multiple chip suppliers and manufacturers to deliver products to support IP networking.

Additionally, HomePlug has invited the auto manufacturers to help develop the HomePlug Green PHY certification program. (The HomePlug Powerline Alliance serves as a compliance and certification body for IEEE 1901 and manages the largest compliance and interoperability certification program for powerline networking products.)

"For electric vehicles to be widely accepted, they must integrate into existing and emerging charging infrastructures, connected to the smart grid," notes Dr. Heiko Doerr, Manager of Coordination Office Charging Interface. "For charging electric vehicles, the communication interface is established via the charging connector, and the HomePlug Green PHY provides a common communications standard to support all modes of AC and DC charging."

The announcement comes on the heels of recent research reports from In-Stat, Infonetics and Pike Research pointing to wider adoption of the HomePlug technology standard around the world.

"The adoption of standards is a key driver to widespread smart appliance adoption, and our research indicates that HomePlug Green PHY is likely to be the power line standard that gives manufacturers the confidence to rollout products in increasingly greater numbers," commented Bob Gohn, an analyst with Pike Research.

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