Election Brings US Closer to Constitutional Amendment

Published on: November 7, 2012

By nearly three-to-one margins, voters in Colorado and Montana passed ballot initiatives to amend the US Constitution and reverse Citizens United.

Although the last ballots are still being counted, Montana stands at 74.9-25.1 and Colorado stands at 73.8% to 26.2%.

The US is now a quarter of the way toward that amendment.

Amending the constitution requires passage by two thirds of each chamber of Congress, and then ratification by three quarters of the states.  That means 67 Senators and 290 House Representatives have to sign on. 

As of yesterday, 11 states are formally calling for an amendment: Hawaii, New Mexico, Vermont, Rhode Island, California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Montana, and Colorado.

We now have 24 Senators and 73 House Reps who have introduced or co-sponsored amendment bills. 

Montana and Colorado are the first states to act through statewide votes (the other nine states acted through their legislatures). 

These victories also underscore the trans-partisan nature of the move toward this amendment. Montana’s a red state, and Colorado is a swing state.   

A September Associated Press poll found that 81% of Republicans, 78% of independents, and 85% of Democrats want to limit outside spending on our elections. 

Here’s more on how various state ballot initiatives faired in the election:

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