ECC Creates Great Lakes Wind Consortium

Published on: August 17, 2009

Energy Composites Corporation (ECC)(OTCBB:ENCC) announced that it has created the Great Lakes Wind Consortium, and is inviting leaders from government, industry, and academia to join efforts to focus on meeting the Federal Government’s renewable energy mandates using offshore wind farms in the wind-rich Great Lakes.

"The wind profile in the Great Lakes is optimal for wind farms, allowing for the use of larger, offshore turbines, significantly longer, more efficient blades, and cost-savings, water-borne logistics," Sam Fairchild, CEO of ECC, said. “Most importantly, nearly 23% of the USA population lives within 25 miles of the Great Lakes, allowing for short transmission lengths without power loss. We do not have to wait for advancements in grid technology to make substantial progress.”

ECC is inviting the Governors of the Great Lakes states–Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, to join and lead the Coalition, along with leaders of counties and municipalities throughout the region. It also is reaching out to participants in the wind energy supply chain in the Great Lakes states, including manufacturers and service providers, along with financial institutions, investors and developers. The company intends to host a planning session for the Coalition later this year.

Adrian Williams, architect of ECC’s WindFiber™ strategy, said: “ECC is uniquely-positioned to provide substantial value to the execution of the Great Lakes Strategy. Our new 32,500 square metre wind blade manufacturing plant will be capable of building the outsized blades required for offshore systems in the Great Lakes, and our ability to capitalise on water-borne logistics will drive value, too. We also are working on a highly-innovative approach to offshore towers that will help to position us even more prominently.”

ECC operates an automated manufacturing facility in Wisconsin Rapids, employing advanced composite materials to design, engineer, and manufacture complex composite structures, vessels, and processing systems for a range of clean-tech applications.

The company also provides field service crews nationwide for wind energy system composites maintenance, repair and overhaul; industrial retrofit, shut-down and maintenance; system installation; and repair and inspection services. 

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