DOI, FERC Sign MOU For Outer Continental Shelf Renewables

Published on: April 14, 2009

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission Chairman Jon Wellinghoff signed an agreement last week that
clarifies their agencies’ responsibilities for leasing and licensing
renewable energy projects on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.

The Memorandum of Understanding clears up a jursidictional dispute between the two agencies and should accelerate the development of wind, solar, wave, tidal and ocean current energy sources.

The agreement establishes a process through
which Interior’s Minerals Management Service (MMS) and the FERC will
lease, license and regulate all renewable energy development activities
on the Outer Continental Shelf, including hydrokinetic sources (wave,
tidal and ocean current).

Under the agreement MMS has exclusive
jurisdiction over non-hydrokinetic renewable energy projects,
including wind and solar. MMS also has exclusive jurisdiction to issue
leases, easements, and rights-of-way regarding Outer Continental Shelf
lands for hydrokinetic projects. MMS will conduct any necessary
environmental reviews, including those under the National Environmental
Policy Act, related to those actions.

FERC has exclusive
jurisdiction over hydrokinetic projects on the Outer
Continental Shelf and will conduct any necessary analyses. FERC’s licensing process will involve relevant
federal land and resource agencies, including Interior.

FERC will not issue a license or exemption for an Outer Continental
Shelf hydrokinetic project until the applicant has first obtained a
lease, easement, or right-of-way from MMS for the site. FERC will not
issue preliminary permits for hydrokinetic projects on the Outer
Continental Shelf.

MMS in return will require that construction and operation cannot begin without a license or exemption from FERC.

Both agencies may inspect authorized hydrokinetic projects on the Outer
Continental Shelf to ensure compliance with the terms of leases,
easements, rights-of-way, licenses or exemptions.

"This agreement will spur the development of clean, renewable
energy–the growth industry of the 21st Century. Our nation’s economic
future demands we lead that competition."

Salazar has made
offshore wind, solar and hydrokinetic energy a top priority and expects
to have a final regulatory framework for Outer Continental Shelf
renewable energy development in the near future.

A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding can be read at the link below.

Website: [sorry this link is no longer available]     
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Comments on “DOI, FERC Sign MOU For Outer Continental Shelf Renewables”

  1. laura skinner aka chief dove of peace light

    #1 please remember the wisdom in living water. if we are going to have well being and a living earth we must have oxegin and a natural order. also remember equity. each person has an equity, its your body. like your body water must do the will of the earth. food 4 thought, no one owns the ocean, it is a act of God and the bottem must be left as are the cryistal in the cave. when man gos there or wemon it is cotamiated. sounds crazy but true.even when u know u can make much money and jobs these are not the ones u want at this time God said leave it alone and i do. the evidance u gather is only a raction of the eco picture.the blm 2008 blm final impact statement is one of the greatest most person freadly reports ive ever seen. please go over it, ports are for international relationships. not owned by gov,used for relationship sharing. peace out


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