Deepwater Wind Considering Wind Project Off Block Island

Published on: September 9, 2009

Deepwater Wind is conducting an array of environmental studies on and around Block Island, Rhode Island, as part of its preparations for a proposed Block Island offshore wind farm.

A vessel completed oceanographic surveys of potential areas for the proposed Block Island Wind Farm and the route that a power-transmission cable would likely take from the wind farm to mainland Rhode Island. Bird and bat monitoring studies are ongoing. An avian radar system at Southeast Light continues to collect data.

At the end of July, Deepwater Wind installed a 180-foot meteorological mast at the entrance to Great Salt Pond where it will remain in place for about two years. A laser radar device will also be situated for two years at the other end of Block Island. A temporary meteorological vessel was moored about three miles off the coast of the island to collect data. All the equipment is measuring wind speed, strength and shear. Deepwater will use the data as part of its comprehensive wind-resources study to help identify potential sites for offshore wind turbines and to substantiate the funding of the project.

Over the course of 10 days, a vessel conducted test borings of the ocean floor about three miles off the coast of Block Island. The test samples will be analyzed to help Deepwater determine the optimal foundation installation methods for its proposed Block Island Wind Farm.

Deepwater Wind has state support to build a $1 billion offshore windfarm off the coast of Rhode Island. The company is also one of three that were awarded the first-ever exploratory leases for offshore wind power development by the U.S. Interior Department for projects off the coasts of New Jersey and Delaware.

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