Cleantech Incubators Join Forces Across the Atlantic

Published on: May 14, 2013

Budding green businesses that are lucky enough to get help from a Northeast incubator now have a cross-Atlantic connection.  

Businesses associated with any of the 12 cleantech incubators in New England can access the same kinds of help in Ireland, making it possible to extend their technologies internationally faster and easier. The same will be true for businesses based in Ireland – they’ll get the help they need to get operations going in the US.

That’s because ACTION (Association of CleanTech Incubators of New England) has formed a partnership with The Green Way, Dublin’s Cleantech Cluster. 


Members on either side of the Atlantic can get the same kinds of help in forming strategic business alliances, doing joint research and sourcing cutting-edge technologies and commercialization opportunities. Both groups offer mentoring, investment
guidance and funding, advice on customer acquisition and market intelligence. 

Both incubators focus on the wide array of
clean technologies including renewable energy, energy distribution and
efficiency, clean products and production, waste and pollution management and
water management.  

Last year, ACTION created a similar partnership with the OrbisEnergy incubator in England. 

Learn more about ACTION:

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