Chamber of Commerce Leads Outside Spending in Midterm Elections

Published on: October 30, 2014

Wondering where the outside money is coming from in the mid-term elections? 

We know about the Koch Bros, of course, and Sheldon Adelson just sent a $750,000 infusion to make sure labor-busting, anti-environmental Scott Walker remains Wisconsin governor. 

The biggest spender on the Congressional level is one that might surprise you – the voice of big business, the US Chamber of Commerce, according to Public Citizen’s analysis, "The Dark Side of Citizens United.

In 16 of the 20 races that have received the most outside funding, the Chamber has spent $908,000 per race on average – about 80% of the total spent. 

"When large corporations decide they want to get their own candidates into office but they don’t want to be seen doing it, they call the US Chamber," says Lisa Gilbert, director of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch division. "These politicians then push for anti-environmental, anti-consumer, and anti-health policies."

Chamber of Commerce

$31 million out of the $32 million spent by the Chamber supports  Republicans. Importantly, it’s not a wide range of business interests that the Chamber represents – these donations come from a handful of big donors … with clear agendas.
And the Chamber doesn’t have to disclose who they are thanks to Citizens United and Republicans who filibustered the "Disclose Act."

The Chamber is one of two groups leading the big business fight against EPA’s power plant regulations – which the US is relying on to show leadership on climate change.

Next in line on spending is Crossroads GPS with $23.5 million, also going to Republicans. And what do you know? The League of Conservation Voters comes in third, spending less than $9.5 million – which goes to Democrats.

Now you know one big reason why Republicans will likely win on November 4.

Read our articles, Not In My Name: Skanska Leaves Chamber of Commerce Over Anti-LEED Campaign, Green Groups Pull Out the Stops for November Elections, Republicans Lay Out Energy Agenda, Expecting to Control Congress.

Read Public Citizen’s report, "The Dark Side of Citizens United":

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