California Bill Would Curb Sprawl To Fight Climage Change

Published on: August 22, 2008

The California state legislature is on the verge of adopting the
nation’s first law to reduce greenhouse gases by curbing sprawl,
according to a Los Aneles Times report

A bill, sponsored by incoming state Senate leader Darrell Steinberg
(D-Sacramento), would create incentives to divert public funds away
from sprawled development.

A similar bill was blocked last year by the building industry and local
governments, but The Times reports that support for the new bill has
grown substantially, garnering endorsements by builders,
environmentalists and local officials.

The bill would require the state’s 17 metroplitan planning
organizations and transportation plans to meet concrete targets –set
by the Air Resources Board–to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Advocates of the bill say it will lead to better-designed
communities, reducing the number of miles driven and saving on gasoline

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has not taken a position on the bill, but is expected to sign it, according to the report.

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