BC Hydro Announces First Clean Power Call Agreements

Published on: March 17, 2010

BC Hydro has selected the first group of 19 projects to be awarded electricity purchase agreements under the Clean Power Call. Combined, the projects will generate more than 2,400 gigawatt hours of clean electricity annually–enough to supply close to 218,000 homes in British Columbia, Canada.

"Together, these clean energy projects represent 3,000 person years of employment during construction and $3 billion in capital investment in our province," said Blair Lekstrom, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

The awards were split between run-of-river hydrokinetic projects and wind power projects.

All four of Finavera Renewables Inc.’s (FVR.V) wind projects that were submitted to the clean power call were accepted. The projects, which will be located in the Peace Region of British Columbia, have a total nameplate capacity of 293 megawatts (MW) and an estimated capital cost of C$800 million.

The 71-MW Wildmare project is expected to begin construction in 2012, the 45-MW Tumbler Ridge project is expected to begin construction 2012, the 117-MW Meikle project is expected to begin construction 2013 and the 60-MW Bullmoose project is expected to begin construction in 2014.

Other awardees include:

  • C-Free Power Corp. for 1 run-of-river project
  • CP Renewable Energy (B.C.) for 1 wind power project
  • Cloudworks Energy Inc. for 3 run-of-river projects
  • Creek Power Inc. for 3 run-of-river projects
  • Kwagis Power Limited Partnership for 1 run-of-river project
  • Plutonic Power Corporation and GE Energy Financial Services Company for 1 run-of-river project
  • Selkirk Power Company Ltd. for 1 run-of-river project
  • Stlixwim First Project Corp. and Stlixwim Partnership (NI Hydro Holding Corp.) for 3 run-of-river projects
  • Swift Power Corp. for 1 run-of-river project

"These projects were selected because they are among the most advanced clean energy proposals put forward," said Bev Van Ruyven, acting President and CEO of BC Hydro. "We look forward to announcing more of these projects in the weeks ahead as we advance towards our target of acquiring up to 5,000 gigawatt hours a year of clean, reliable electricity generated here in British Columbia."

A further 28 projects remain in the Clean Power Call and BC Hydro
expects to select additional projects for the award of electricity
purchase agreements in late March depending on the progress of

Following execution of the contracts, BC Hydro will submit the electricity purchase agreements to the British Columbia Utilities Commission for its review.

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