Australia Threatens Japan With Legal Action on Whaling

Published on: February 19, 2010

Australia’s prime minister Kevin Rudd said today his nation will pursue international legal action against Japan, if the Asian nation does not halt its whaling practices by November.

This is the latest in a string of news events surrounding Japan’s controversial "scientific" whaling fleet. Two collisions have occurred  between Japanese ships and ships owned by the activist group Sea Shepherd. A Sea Shepherd member also boarded a Japanese ship and is likely to be arrested upon return to port.

The Japanese government says it kills whales for scientific research and only sells leftover meat to keep it from going to waste. Environmentalists around the world say the science claim is merely an excuse to continue killing and eating the large mammals.

Japan’s Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada is visiting Australia this weekend, and whaling will undoubtedly be a major topic of discussion.

Read additional coverage at the link below.

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