Acciona Connects 46-MW Solar Plant

Published on: January 5, 2009

Acciona Energy (NasdaqGS: ANA) announced it has connected to the grid its 46-megawatt photovoltaic power plant in Amareleja (Moura, Portugal) after 13 months of construction. The company said the plant, which employs Acciona-designed tracking systems, is the largest of its kind in the world.

The Amareleja plant covers a total area of 250 hectares not far from the border with Spain. It has 2,520 tracking systems. Each tracker has 104 polycrystalline silicon modules with a capacity of 170 and 180 watts, and the trackers support a total 262,080 PV modules. The trackers follow the sun with an azimuthal rotation movement of 240 degrees, and a fixed inclination of 45 degrees.

The power plant was built by Acciona Solar, a subsidiary of Acciona Energy. The Amareleja PV plant is 100% owned by Acciona. In January 2007, the company acquired the total capital of Amper Solar (the company that owned the rights of the installation) from the latter’s shareholders Moura Town Council (88%), Comoiprel (2%) and the firm of consultants Renatura Networks.Com (10%).

In total, Acciona has an installed capacity of 68 MW of solar power, with a further 100 MW of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) currently under construction.

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